Christy Gobbersmith
Likes to: Ride trails (dirt and winter MUT), ride gravel roads, ski, hike, camp, and garden
Favorite local ride: Headquarters up to the Summit in summer, and Snowshoe Trail in the winter
Lars Peterson
Vice President
Likes to: use mountain and fat biking as excuses to get in the woods.
Favorite local ride: around Twin Mountains
Mary Thorsness
Likes to: Ride all my bikes and ski, especially with family, friends, and my dog.
Favorite Local Ride: LST and Bluebird
Cynthia Hartung
Likes to:
Favorite local ride:
Richard Vercoe
Likes to: Chase happiness on a bike
Favorite local ride: El Alto and Double Black Diamond
Dewey Gallegos
Likes to: Ride bikes, any bikes, with my dogs.
Favorite Local Ride: my morning commute.
David Jones